Thursday, February 26, 2015

February Short but full of fun!

Kelsey enjoying some stamping on the paper before it became all about stamping her arm
 Kelsey's favorite sweatshirt, she points at it and tells everyone "Ow1!Owl!"  I think the only article of clothing she likes more is her minion shirts.

 This picture is being used by the swim school in their adversiting material.  Kelsey loves her swimming!
 Joe blows through a 300 piece in a couple days at school.  He still wants me take a picture every time :)
 Hanging out in the snow
 Sitting on mom's meditation pillow reading Moo, Ba, La la la
 Cuddling together before Joe read her the book.  See the video on the video bar.
 playing together at Edinborough
 Some light morning reading before heading to school
 More puzzles

 Kelsey loves Uncle TT, She gets so excited "TT!!!!"
 She loves her Auntie KK too.

 And another puzzle
 Playing at the crazy lego land at the MOA
 Ridicolous face by Kelsey.
 Extreme ballooning from our favorite balloon guy at Bonfire.